The Scenic Third Beach Project was completed in summer 2021, burying utilities underground along Third Beach Road and Indian Avenue in Middletown, Rhode Island. Paradise Valley is an extraordinary place rich in history, beauty and wildlife, and the overhead power lines were obtrusive and detracted from its overall scenic appeal. Burying the power lines – 77 poles along a 1.2 mile stretch – has not only enhanced scenic views and restored the historic landscape but it promotes coastal resiliency for the overall benefit of the community.
More than ninety percent of the $3.8 million project was funded through private donations raised from philanthropic individuals as well as a grant from the van Beuren Charitable Foundation. These private donations anchored the project. The Scenic Aquidneck Coalition is thankful to the many people who love the Paradise Valley and Third Beach and supported the project by contributing gifts, large and small.
The power lines never used to bother me before, but now they’re all I see

For the benefit of the community
The Scenic Aquidneck Coalition is undertaking this project with community benefit and overall enjoyment of Paradise Valley at the forefront. Paradise Valley is a unique and special place in the state – indeed, in the region – for its scenic vistas, unique geological landmarks, beaches, wildlife and historic buildings. Since the 18th century, residents and visitors have appreciated its cultural, historical and scenic offerings; and today, visitors from near and far regularly use Third Beach Road and Indian Avenue, particularly as they provide convenient and beautiful access to the popular Second and Third beaches, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Refuge at Sachuest Point, and the unusual geological landmark “Hanging Rock.”
In today’s world, climate change is a serious reality and we must be prepared. Sea level rise, heavy rains, wind and other severe weather events are likely to continue to occur. By burying the powerlines, we not only enhance the scenic views and restore the historic landscape, but we also promote coastal resiliency, allowing infrastructure to “bounce back” after catastrophic weather events such as hurricanes, coastal storms and flooding. The network of roads in Paradise Valley is one of only eight designated scenic roads in Rhode Island. The Scenic Third Beach Project helps Middletown achieve many of the goals of its Comprehensive Plan including “to preserve its quality of life for all generations as a safe and friendly community with a distinctive heritage [and] extraordinary cultural and natural resources...”